“Pitch of the Month” winner; Sallomé Hralima, with (seated, l to r) Pitches for Breakfast judge, Rashad Bilal, vice president, Bilal Group; Pitches for Breakfast keynote, Shawn Outler, group vice president of multicultural merchandising and vendor development, Macy's, Inc.; and Pitches for Breakfast judge, Erik Cliette, co-owner, Maid Brigade
Harlem, NY - October 9, 2010, Dwyer Cultural Center
“Winning October's Pitch of the Month was confirmation that the hard work I have done to get my idea off of the ground has been well worth it. By providing a space for me to get immediate feedback from industry professionals, Pitches for Breakfast has proven its commitment to growing women-run businesses and organizations, stated Hralima.”
Precision Plus Communications is a full-service marketing public relations firm, based in New York City that, specializes in strategy development, media & community relations, grassroots & event marketing, and promotions.
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