Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do Epic Ish in 2011!

Together Apart presents
"Making Ish Happen"

Start the year off powerfully as an all-star panel addresses the biggest challenges in making ideas happen and the best strategies to overcome them.

Are you trying to get into grad school, lose weight, start a business or organization, get a grant, produce an event, change jobs, find a mate, write a book or record an album?

This event will help you that make that -ish happen!

As an attendee you will:
- meet others who can help you forward what you are up to in the world & gain insight into how they did it.
- discover & dismantle internal blockages that may be stopping you from getting goals accomplished.
- gather strategies and resources to enable you to quickly go from idea to actualization.
- get the much needed motivation to get yourself started on the ish you want to make happen.
- get in action.

January 29th, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm (doors open at 6pm)

The Open Center
22 East 30th Street (between 5th & Madison)

Hosted by
Chris Kazi Rolle & Danya Steele

Tickets $20
PlanIt Brooklyn Discount Code: getitdone (1/2 off, $10), Students get in free with ID

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