Fly High
FLY HIGH is a collective kite flying event that celebrates the lives of those lost at the hands of police. Launched on 150th anniversary of Juneteenth (June 19), a national observance of the last enslaved Africans in Texas receiving the order of emancipation, the intention is to expose community members to the faces and names of the hundreds lost and as an introduction to a fading past-time.
On each white kite, the face and name of someone lost at the hands of police will be affixed. Participants will then receive support to catch a wind to have the kite rise higher and higher in the sky. Hundreds of kites will float above the park.
Organized by social architect and Dream Director, Sallomé Hralima, her vision is to see old and young learning how to lift others up - literally and figuratively - providing a powerful visually symbolic reference for all who participate and all who witness it.