March 10, 2006
So on March 4, 2006 Alicia Boone gave me this journal. Earlier that morning she had made us pancakes and I thought of an idea I thought her editor friend could take on. I am always coming up with cool ideas (toot toot!). And I always wish I could either do them all or have some people who believed in me and my vision so much that they'd take it on. Thanks to Alicia, now I can at least write them down! Because who knows? Maybe one day I'll have all the resources and leadership skills needed to take all of them on for real FOR REAL!
That is the opening page of my actual "Next Great Idea" book (as seen in the photo). I started writing down each idea as it came into the book. They are numbered and I've created an index.
Frans Johansson of The Medici Effect says:
"Ground-breaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas... innovative people tend to fail a lot more than people that don't innovate."
(I guess I'm sharing that to keep myself motivated. Ha! See Johansson's "The Secret Truth about Executing Great Ideas" on the99percent.com.)
Since I am more interested in being a source for great ideas and them happening than I am in my actually doing them, I have chosen to post them. They are entered sometimes with lots of description, and other times as a phrase.
A number of them are realities: going on tour with Climbing PoeTree (#6), run a 5K with Evelyn (#8), Spike Lee Tribute (#25), The Stoop (#35), and on and on.
If you like the idea, had the idea, want to help make hit happen, or saw an idea already fulfilled, let me know. See the growing list on this page.
- A collection of stories of women who created great things as a result of a breakup or divorce; some of the stories will be shared in women's magazines as excerpts from the book
- A consulting firm that guides the urban wealthy with vehicles in philanthropy that most inspire them; I want to have everyone experience themselves as a contribution
- Bring entrepreneurial and activist education, graphic & visual arts to Piney Woods
- A career book that guides lovers of hip hop to the plethora of opportunities (i.e. contract/entertainment law, accounting, convert/event planning, club owner, graphic design, music video/film director, stylist, editor)
- PDA software for Joost Elffers' The Secret Language of Relationships
- Roadie with Naima & Alixa - Hurricane Season - ACCOMPLISHED*
- postcard book of Hurricane pics (families) of Betty's w/ Pomegranate*
- Run a 5K with Evelyn*
- Magazine article with people under 30 who believe their relationships are going to stand the tests of time w/ men and women asked the same questions
- Write article about children of incarcerated people creating new relationships with parents
- Philanthropy Section for William Magazine*
- Write magazine articles about Climbing PoeTree and S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D. *
- Healing and education sessions with poetry, discussion, and quilt additions all over the world.
- Add Naima & Alixa to A Little Child Shall Lead Them*
- Finding ways to help New Orleans youth deal with PTSS in schools.
- Jaha testimonial about her mom, education, and belief in what's possible.*
- Publish Naima & Alixa's children's book.
- Get an MBA in Non-Profit and Public Administration
- Create a documentary that highlights the forced sterilization of women of color.*
- Create high school and college film festivals*
- African American flash cards for kids with accompanying book. Like this...
- Choose your own adventure movies (animation for kids)
- Brooklyn Smoothie Truck (Fuse handles the wrap!)
- Movie Themed Parties*
- Spike Lee Tribute - ACCOMPLISHED*
- Tattoo Book of Women of Color (w/ various female photographers)
- Young women travel to interview the young photographers in Born into Brothels
- Church - a show (or party) that touches, moves & inspires; healing, reconciliation, celebration*
- Directory of solar powered and energy efficient brick & mortar enterprises in New York, Boston, LA, SF, Chicago and DC (i.e. schools, restaurants, lounges/clubs/bars, etc)*
- Data Match for Nyree, Naeema, Malika and Jam's schools - best school fundraiser!
- Website for us to get kickbacks by shopping at our favorite stores. All money is given to growing a business and another half to build a school. An affiliate program.*
- The Reconstruction Period and So Live! Arts Movement go through the South doing a show for small rural towns
- Traveling visual art exhibit - people can come on board and see art; goes to school, etc.
- "True Value" or "Worth its Weight?" a project where children/young people estimate the value of famous paintings and an article is written about
- Saturday Sessions - bring Brooklyn people to speak to Frederick Douglass Academy IV kids for an hour at Brooklyn cafe(s) with recording and pictures - ACCOMPLISHED*
- A Great Day in Brooklyn - ACCOMPLISHED*
- Forward Youth - a website powered by Google that links youth programs with institutions & individuals*
- Brooklyn Hip Hop Trading Cards
- The Reconstruction Period Presents Battle of the Bands: a Brooklyn high school face off
- Rebellion in the Hood*
- Youtube concert at Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall featuring Youtube sensations
- Special Projects Admin for Frederick Douglass Academy IV*
- Article in an urban magazine looking at hip hop artists and religion*
- Sitcom about musician in NYC who plays in a house band and his band mates have all sorts of character foibles; name - Trent Gold
- From the mouths of babes - book of quotes from young leaders
- Create a living poem for every year of my life
- Great Day in Poetry
- I Am A Woman photo shoot and stories told via Storycorps
- DOPESWAN + Phefeni Childrenswear = NYC artists / onesies / orgs*
- Point of Reference - interviews via live recording w/ artists sharing their views on visual art
- Black Girls Rule article - young women under 30 who connect & celebrate Black Girls
- Buttons!*
- Brooklyn Student Body President Conference*
- Daughters of the Revolution Documentary*
- we still colored and considering homicide cuz soap operas ain't enuf: a poem in the pot and a chicken in the dance*
- Doo Doo Brown Athletic League - all women's athletic league, every week a new sport
- Venue Locator - Brooklyn: The Artist's Way
- Brooklyn Youth Blog*
- Notecards for NYC Live Artists
- Fastgirls Blog/Website - ACCOMPLISHED
- Rites of Passage Program
- Goddess Circle or Red Tent store & cultural center
- Go to school for certificate in Project Management
- God Bless the A*
- That Was My Shit!: a play about gentrification
- New York Hoax: a play about working at the New York Post
- "The Teacher's Lounge": a tv show
- No one on the planet has swagger like us: Brooklyn Remix*
- Swagger Like Us: a reality show*
- Stop Snitching Posters*
- Getting $ to create art exhibition spaces in public schools
- Building Toward Youth Building - creating "green" arts rooftops on NYC schools, youth & community orgs
- The Greats: a musical tribute series
- Octavia, Nina, Sonia: Women's Herstory Month*
- The Stoop Film Series
- Ujamaa: Collective Work & Responsibility (2008) - ACCOMPLISHED*
- Climbing PoeTree on inauguration stage!*
- The Pink Project comes to Brooklyn*
- Hip Hop Kwanzaa for Dummies: a book*
- African Mixtape with African-American producers and African emcees = Biggest Worldwide Underground CD ever sold
- PlanIt Brooklyn: partnership between Ashley Mui & I - ACCOMPLISHED
- iPromise: an online video campaign - ACCOMPLISHED
- PWS Centennial*
- Create a portfolio of all the programs and projects I have done
- Triple A - artist, actor, author; each does the "job/role" of another
- Sweets & Beats - event with producers sharing tracks (battling/showcasing) & dessert companies doing a tasting simultaneously
- Restaurant featuring a shoe menue
- Hip Hop Research Company
- LOL 101: a program for class clowns*
- World Cup BK - soccer teams throughout NYC play in Prospect Park for chance to be flown to the World Cup
- Nelson George Roast
- Hautejoints.com, forthelove.com, thatsit.com*
- Travel to the most intriguing places in the world*
- Flag on the Play*
- Def Idol*
- Book written by a social investor about how to get $ from companies for sponsorship
- Pocketchange Productions for Dumb-Ease - blogging about low cost and free event production ideas
- Next Great Idea Blog - ACCOMPLISHED
- Mother's Day Trips - helping moms and daughters plan trips to locations worldwide
- Soapboxing*
- Love Resume as a Sister Circle Activity
- Brooklyn, Stand UP!: Internships for youth
- Pastry Re-Branding - ACCOMPLISHED*
- 90 Day Challenge: The Marketable Package - ACCOMPLISHED*
- Carol's Daugher: Home Ec - educating girls about skin care
- Goal Ubuntu*
- for colored gurls who've considered Love - women embellishing parts of their body that they dislike w/ photographers and eventually an exhibition and sharing
- A new Manifest Destiny*
- Children's Marathon: Who You Run Wit'?
- Tyrice is about to Blow Up! How to grow her consulting business
- 30 Day Do Its*
- Remake of The Wiz*
- Interview Taboo creators to find out how they go about selecting words and "no-no" clues
- Beyoncé work out class - all workouts are choreography from her songs/videos - ACCOMPLISHED
- They Know US, do you know US? a live social-networking game about US trivia
- Pangea, a live social-networking game about World History/Trivia
- Coloring Book for PIB clients
- > <: A Mad for Math Party
- First Saturdays - The Stoop; Dream MGMT
- Use 30 Day Do Its to grow PIB as a case study for the MVMT
- Thank You for Flying (TY4F): a paper airplane competition that forwards STEM education
- Freestyle App
- Brooklyn Way App
- Brooklyn Memorabilia Shop
- Something you Must See BK - like a Brooklyn TED Talks, but monthly
- FunDoughMentals: Socially Conscious Investing
- Preparing your child for 2020 - experts lead conversation on education, health, technology, and the economy
- They Will Come - an event to honor 5 brothers annually who have impressed Fastgirls
- Sexy Shoes for the Kitchen: a video in support of Stilettos in the Kitchen
- First Library Card: a commercial for the Brooklyn Library
- A Fastgirls Challenge - Passionate to Purposeful
- Chalk accessories (4-finger rings, pendants, baseball caps)
- Green Light Project or Project Green Light - a Stoop door-to-door campaign that swaps standard home lighting for energy efficient lighting*
- Body Plan - business plan for your body
- A Fastgirls Challenge - 40 Day, Life Savers - ACCOMPLISHED
- Insurance commercial based on road to settlement*
- "Running the F*ck Around" and "Park" - names of scents
- Be Green Commercial
- Ask the country: What do Americans want to be known for?
- NYC Litter Campaign
- The Hook Up: an end to the sponsorship mystery
- An event for funders to see extraordinary programs/projects to fund or initiatives to invest in
- African print capes for Toddlers & Preschoolers - ACCOMPLISHED
- Brooklyn Embassies
- S2S Fundraisers - Clothing Swaps, Quizbowls, Phefeni % - ACCOMPLISHED*
- Viacom Viewership Challenge - ACCOMPLISHED*
- For colored folk who've considered music when the ghetto was enuf: a choreopoem filled with classics
- Write a book about dream directing
- Kings County Holy Text