I had a conversation with Kahlil Almustafa years ago about the difference in education from elementary school through graduate levels. We agreed that:
- K-5 should lay a foundation for all forms of education to be received
- Junior high or middle school should begin providing content and largely encourage critical thinking
- High school should inspire youth to begin creating their own styles of expression through academics, the arts, and kinesthetic outlets
- Undergrad is where students should learn the power of networking, how-to access and utilize resources, and what it looks like to begin laying out life-long professional goals
- Graduate school is where you begin to master your craft, where you become knowledgable about all the thinking that precede you in your field, and
- Doctoral level education is where you are supposed to offer your contribution
This is what we thought was "true" education in a 2002 conversation. I am returning to it because I can see, yet again the value of life coaching or dream management in 21st century education. If every child by ten years old knew what it took to go from idea, to plan, to action, they would go through every level of education with the power to get straight As, meet the president, win an big award, or start their own social enterprise.
How purposeful is our education today toward a future we'd like to have?