Thursday, October 24, 2013

Big Life

A new friend, Hannah Tall, asked me: How will you live a big life? 

For me, living a big life includes:

  1. Creating rituals. For example, I send $20 to my nephew for what I call a Fun Fund each pay period. Sealing the envelope and writing him letters makes me feel accomplished and connected. 
  2. Inviting people to celebrate and explore (e.g. I host a day of Kwanzaa annually and make it fabulous and invite people I love AND admire). 
  3. Creating a dream list. I do this and check something off every year (at least). 
  4. Creating a habit of sending resources to others. I like to give gifts; so I find books, urls, music and opportunities for others and to send it to them.
  5. Living with a great faith.  I act like my big 'ole life is directly correlated to the amount of faith I have.
  6. Mentorship.  To be a mentor and have a mentor is all about karma.  I want all the good karma I can get.
  7. Expressing gratitude.  If there's one thing I have learned from Ashley "Gratitude Guru" Mui, it is that when we vibrate on the level of Love & Gratitude we are more beautiful.