I got to spend time with some of the crew Tuesday evening in Oakland. (I know my blackberry picture is whack - tell Naima to hurry with the ones from the "good camera!)

(Lindsay, Li, Sallome, Naima, *Alixa is camera woman)
One of the most memorable stops on our tour was what we'd call a break. We didn't have a show in Yellow Springs, OH, but there were amazing women and a little boy whose welcome was possibly more special than any other stop.
There we made sushi, we saw Water by Deepha Mehta, we talked about childhood & politics (Zapatistas), I learned about Venezuala's inspiring campaign to end illiteracy, we looked at treehouse books, got stung by bees, Lindsay made portobello mushrooms taste like steak, we heard of a sunflower field that shows the shifting of the sun's daily light through the moving "heads" of the flowers, climbed trees (I nearly died!), and listened intently as our friend's parents shared of their emigration from Iran to the US during a revolution I'd never heard of.
I just "friended" one of our amazing hostesses - Amanda - on Facebook. Seeing her name alone in my Inbox made me smile.
In her message to me today Amanda says:
We loved following your blog posts. Austin would ask "how are the aunties (that is how he referred to y'all) or where are the aunties?" so we would read the blog posts. I heard him telling some friends about the aunties in the bus with birds that ate vegetable grease so that they could stop hurricanes from happening. and of course, the bee stings.
We loved following your blog posts. Austin would ask "how are the aunties (that is how he referred to y'all) or where are the aunties?" so we would read the blog posts. I heard him telling some friends about the aunties in the bus with birds that ate vegetable grease so that they could stop hurricanes from happening. and of course, the bee stings.
Austin was our best PR, clearly. (lol)
If only they knew just how much that one stop shifted my experience of the tour. I needed to be around mommas and babies...
To read about the bee stings click here. To continue reading about the rest of the Yellow Springs tour stop click here.