I will be 30 years old in exactly one month.
When I look back, I am proud. However, when I look ahead I am inspired.
At the completion of 2009 I articulated that I was looking for a place of worship. It was really based in a desire to develop unwavering FAITH. After a conversation with my dear friend, Ashley Mui, I realized that my physical body is seriously my temple. I got my Nyame Dua (tree of life; altar) tattoo in February on my right hand between my thumb and forefinger. It is my fifth tattoo. They each symbolize something I want to remember.
- An ankh on my belly - reminder that I'm alive.
- Nyame Nti (an adinkra symbol) on my left wrist that represents "God's Grace" or perseverance - reminder that this too shall pass.
- Boa me na me mmoa wo (an adinkra symbol) also on my left wrist that represents "help me and let me help you" or interconnectedness - reminder that community is imperative.
- Sesa wo suban (another adinkra symbol) also on my left wrist represents "change or transform your character" or transformation - reminder that change is inevitable, welcome it.
- Nyame Dua (latest tattoo) - reminder that my body is my temple.
The sum total of all of these things together = FAITH.
I need this because as I get older the money hasn't gotten better, the relationships fail over and over, health issues which stem from not taking care of my body go into emergency mode, and friends are having babies and getting married around me. Without belief that my blessings are on their way, I don't actually think I could turn 30 without being bitter.
So... I send the utmost gratitude to the most high and all those who reflect the magic in the Universe. Instead of requesting that things come NOW, I will rest assured that I am developing the characteristics needed to hold all of the blessings that are sure to come.