Sunday, December 5, 2010

26 days to fulfill on iPromises

In January, I charged friends, family, and strangers with creating a promise that they'd fulfill by the end of this year. It was born out of my frustration around people thinking that electing President Obama was going to result in the change we wanted to see. I am clear (as was he in his inaugural speech everyone seems to forget) that it takes many.

iPromise is an online video campaign to increase engagement. If we only kept our promises, oh what a world we'd have. We'd spend quality time with our children and parents, we'd keep small businesses open, we'd be healthy, we'd be married, and we'd be out of jail - to name a few impacts.

This is a simple reminder to those who made promises... how'd we do?

Read promises HERE or watch promises below.

iPromise from Jan/Feb 2010 on Vimeo.