Just in... New York City premier at the National Black Theatre, May 1, 2009. More info to come.

the hidden messages in water
a two-womyn show
about unnatural disaster
and a great shift
in universal consciousness
Climbing PoeTree presents a multimedia show and 50-city tour that obliterates the boundaries between performance and activism. HURRICANE SEASON: the hidden messages in water interweaves spoken word poetry, sound collage, shadow art, dance, film and animation to explore critical issues facing humanity through the kaleidoscope Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.
Water, the performance's extended metaphor, guides the audience on a vivid journey of unthinkable tragedy and undeniable promise from a single drip into a violent storm that culminates in climactic moment of possibility and resurrection.
Hurricane Season tackles global warming, environmental injustice, policing, prisons, militarization, corporate domination, gentrification, and displacement as they manifest from one gulf to another, with a powerful tale of resistance, resilience, creativity, and survival.
Hurricane Season connects the issues that surfaced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to the "unnatural disasters" disenfranchised communities are experiencing nation and worldwide.

The objective of Hurricane Season is not only to stir in people the fervor of transformation, but also to channel that energy into immediate, meaningful, and tangible action. A "solution-cipher", facilitated by Sallome Hralima, follows every show with community leaders and grassroots organizations whose work addresses the issues raised in Hurricane Season on a local level. The aim is to cross-pollinate creative strategies for self-determination, and to turn the passion generated in the show into action manifested in the community.
Hurricane Season will tour the nation beginning on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina (August 29, 2008). The crew will travel throughout the country in a vehicle converted to run on recycled vegetable oil from America's fast food addiction.
Follow the tour through my blog: dopeswan.org/sallomazing!
To discover more about the show, the strategy, the tour, and the artists, visit hurricaneseasontour.com. Find out ways you can get involved in this exciting movement and help Hurricane Season have the widest impact imaginable!