Friday, February 12, 2010

Writing Exercise #2 - Dedicated to Youth Workers

In that same workshop with Voices Unbroken, there was a writing exercise with prompts. I haven't written with the aid of prompts since I was in college. I forgot how amazing it can be.

This one taken from their curriculum, Write Your Way, was called "Community Valentine." I dedicated it to the other youth focused folk in the room.

I encourage others to do this exercise too, so I'm going to separate the prompts from my writing so that you can copy and replace the answers with your community valentine text. Forward widely. (Thanks Victoria & Celeste!)

You are a part of me because... we have a passion that runs like blood through our veins for youth

No one can ever take away... our seemingly overwhelming call to make a difference

Strangers see us as... the possibility of a brighter future

We know that... transforming the world begins with the work we do

We understood each other even when... policy makers did not and funders wanted something else

We have learned... to be resilient, creative and resourceful

We remember when... we were children

We are inspired by... the small changes we see happen based on the simple and complex things we've done for young people